“All creators are verified prior to being able to upload any content to OnlyFans, and all uploaded content is checked by automated systems and human moderators.” “OnlyFans remains committed to the highest levels of safety and content moderation of any social platform,” the company said in its statement on Thursday. The company offered no further information. “Who is to determine when a photo is sexually explicit or when it’s a woman’s body?” Ms. “As this happens, we want performers to know we are here to offer support and services.”Ĭreators attempted to reach out to the platform seeking clarity about what would and would not be banned. “We want to express that we are working to get answers,” the guild said. The Adult Performance Artists Guild, the labor union that represents OnlyFans and webcam creators and dancers, said on Twitter on Thursday that “the potential income loss that many may face due to upcoming Onlyfans changes can cause duress and fear.” “Someone said it’s like Burger King saying they’re not selling burgers anymore,” Mr. “OnlyFans is how I pay my rent,” he said. Kenneth Pabon, 22, an OnlyFans creator in New York, joined the platform last year after the onset of the coronavirus pandemic and is using his income from the site to pay off his student loans. “People are going to lose the roofs over their heads.” “People are not going to be able to make ends meet,” she said.